This website is a collaborative effort between Kriss Marion and Kristi Waits. Kriss and Kristi first met in 2012 at a local event for women farmers, and it was through this connection that they discovered their two passions - farming and technology - could be combined to create an online world rich in colors, stories, and people. It is here that Kriss captures the essence of her farm through words, while Kristi captures it through photos. Together, they offer an inside look at life on a small market farm in Southern Wisconsin.
FARMERKriss Marion is an East-Coast native, former Chicago newspaper journalist, previous homeschool mom of four and current experimental homesteader at Circle M Market Farm.
PHOTOGRAPHERKristi Waits is a West-Coast native, former criminal justice data scientist, previous government worker and technology sherpa at Dirt Simple Solutions.